Thursday, October 4, 2007

Left, Right, Left, Right

Am I a right brainer, or a left brainer? Traditionally, I have thought of myself as a "leftie". I like to read manuals, I like to follow step-by-step directions to understand things. I like things concrete and explainable. But since becoming a teacher, and also after taking several courses in the ITEC graduate program, I have had to tap into my right brain and think of myself as a creative person.
I'm also a person that learns and gains meaning by talking. I conversed with my teenage daughter about our text, "A Whole New Mind, Why Right Brainers Will Rule The World". She got very excited when she found out right brainers will rule the world, because she definitely considers herself more or a creative person, and does NOT like to take standardized tests. Pink states that the U.S. of yesteryear, success was based on knowledge society. The SAT-ocracy emerged, where the ability to reason logically, sequentially and speedily was the key to sucess. Pink's book states that our economy now needs an edge in order to succeed, and that's where right brain talents come in. "Today, we are all in the art business".
Conversing about left and right brainers, we envisioned a story to highlight the differences. The story goes like this:
Two very different people in high school are friends. One is more a a left-brainer, good in math, excellent test taker, etc. The other is the right-brainer "arsty" friend, involved in theatre, creative writing and art class. They graduate from high school, one goes to MIT and graduates as an accountant, the other goes enters a fine arts school and becomes a video producer. Years later, they meet and compare what their lives are like, and the accountant spends most of his time in an office, while the video producer is living the high life in Los Angeles. This is an oversimplification of left and right brainers, and in reality both students would be using their whole mind to be successful. Afterall, the accountant is going to need to be able to attract and relate to her clients and the video producer will need to have organizational skills to function in society.


Come and See Africa said...

I loved your story! It is neat that you can talk with your teenage daughter like that.

K.E.nn. said...

I don't know how you are before, but I see you as a right brainer than a left brainer. Seems like you always have something creative and interesting to say. And I like your story too!